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Email Marketing Best Practices: Do’s & Don’ts

Email marketing still happens to be one of the most efficient channels for businesses to connect with their customers. With the explosion of digital communications, email marketing trends have also pointedly shifted towards personalisation & automation with subsequent data-driven strategies. In today’s GenZ and Alpha generation, young customers are expecting relevant, timely, & engaging content specific to their inclinations. Using modern technologies, brands are today segmenting their audience, personalising their email content, automating their email campaigns, and improving user experience to achieve greater engagement rates. Social media is ruling for sure and digital platforms are mushrooming, but email marketing still continues to deliver good returns on investment, making it an essential tool for many marketers. For successful results, you must follow email marketing best practices

Email Marketing Best Practices – Do’s & Don’ts 

To expand the efficacy of your email marketing efforts, it is important to follow some strategic best practices. Below given are the email marketing best practices that one must follow:


  • Do segment your audience: Tailor the messaging to different audience sections based on their demographics, behaviours, and preferences. This ensures your content is relevant & engaging.
  • Do personalise your emails: Use recipients’ names & other personalised info for creating more personal & engaging email experiences.
  • Do optimize for mobile: A majority of users today are reading emails on their smartphones while on the go. So, mobile-friendly responsive designs are truly essential.
  • Do test & analyse: Regularly test different elements of your emails. Check your subject lines, CTA buttons, & design layouts. Analyse the results to find what works best and keep changing accordingly!
  • Do keep your list clean: Regularly update & clean your email lists. Keep removing inactive subscribers. This will increase your deliverability.
  • Do include a clear CTA: Make sure your CTA buttons are clear, compelling, & quick to find. This helps guide your audiences towards the anticipated actions.


  • Don’t spam: Don’t send bulk emails or irrelevant content. This usually annoys the subscribers and results in higher unsubscribe rates.
  • Don’t ignore compliance: Make sure your emails comply with laws & regulations like the CAN-SPAM Act. This includes providing clear opt-out options in emails.
  • Don’t disregard design: A poorly designed email can be a waste. So, take ample time to create visually appealing & well-structured emails.
  • Don’t forget to proofread: Spelling & grammatical errors can damage your credibility. So, always proofread your emails before sending them.
  • Don’t use clickbait: Misleading subject lines may increase openings initially, but they erode trust in the longer run. So, be honest & transparent in all your email communications.
  • Don’t overlook engagement metrics: Keep an eye on click-through rates, open rates, & other engagement metrics to constantly improve your strategies.

Bottom Line

Success in this regard requires a combination of strategy, creativity & adherence to the aforementioned email marketing best practices. For businesses & brands looking to improve their email marketing campaigns, working with our dedicated agency, Widepool Creatives can make a huge difference. Our team holds the proficiency to create personalised, engaging & high-converting email campaigns, ensuring your message(s) reach the right audiences, at the right intervals, in the right ways. Leave the onus of email marketing to our experts panel and you can focus solely on your business growth.

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