Artificial Intelligence Evolving Scenario – Let’s Discuss!

Artificial Intelligence Evolving Scenario – Let’s Discuss! 

Innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) persist to transform the future of humanity across almost every industry. AI has already become the chief driver of emerging technologies such as robotics, big data, & IoT etc. Generative AI has further swelled AI’s capability & popularity. As per an IBM survey (2023), 42 percent of big firms have integrated AI into many of their operations, and forty percent are considering the same! Additionally, 38 percent of organizations have introduced generative AI into their workflow, and 42 percent are considering it. This shows how AI changes the world! Artificial intelligence evolving every second! So, it is time now we understand how AI can change the world

The Evolution of AI 

AI has truly come a long, long way since the year 1951, when the first successful AI computer program has been recorded. At that time, Christopher Strachey wrote a checkers program, which played the whole game on the University of Manchester’s Ferranti Mark I computer. Thanks to the developments in machine learning & deep learning, IBM’s Deep Blue had beaten chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov in the year 1997, and IBM Watson of the company won Jeopardy in the year 2011. Since then, generative AI has led the latest chapter in AI evolution, with OpenAI releasing the first GPT model in the year 2018. This culminated in OpenAI’s development of the GPT-4 model & ChatGPT. This has led to a proliferation of AI generators, which can process queries & generate relevant content including text, audio, images, etc.

AI is also being used to model human language. Such technologies are based on models & algorithm-based machine learning, with an increasing focus on recognition, reasoning, & generalization. All this shows how AI will change the way we live

How Has AI Changed the World? 

Following are some aspects that show how has artificial intelligence changed the world

Improved Business Automation

Nowadays artificial intelligence has been widely adopted. Around 55 percent of firms have adopted AI to various degrees. This suggests that many businesses will be seeing far more automation in the coming times. With an increase in the use of chatbots & digital assistants, businesses can now use AI to have quick conversations with their customers. They can also quickly answer basic questions from employees. AI’s ability to analyse hefty amounts of data and convert the results into convenient visual formats can also accelerate many decision-making processes. Business owners don’t need to spend time analysing the data themselves. They can instead use instant insights to make better informed decisions.

Privacy Issues

Companies need massive amounts of data to train the models that power generative AI tools. Such processes are under intense scrutiny. 

Employment Disruption

Business automation has understandably raised fears about job loss. In fact, employees believe that almost one-third of their jobs could be taken over by AI. AI is making advances in the workplace, but its impact will vary across industries & professions. For example, manual jobs such as secretarial ones are at risk of being automated, while other jobs, such as machine learning specialists & information security analysts, are seeing increased demand. 

Enhancement of Work

Workers in more skilled or creative occupations like content writing are more likely to have their jobs enhanced by the use of AI rather than being replaced by AI. AI has been pushing employees to learn new tools. This will drive upskilling efforts at both the individual & corporate levels. 

Widepool Creatives 

We very well know the benefits & fallbacks of AI. We can also fathom how AI will change the world! This is the reason Widepool has humanized its processes along with a slight intervention of AI. Using AI appropriately in a way that does not bring forth the harms of it is something our team is fine-tuned for! We know exactly when, how & where to use AI for the most ideal use of it in terms of fostering your brand further with a human touch into our marketing efforts!

We’re a Digital Marketing and Branding Agency with a team of professionals diversified and skilled enough to take your business to the next level. Our ultimate goal is to expand & build your brand awareness. Get in touch to tap into the digital realm;

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